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Published June 6, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Specificity of Creative Universalism of the Ukrainian Diaspora Bandurists

  • 1. Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine


The purpose of the research is to determine the vectors of creative universalism in the activities of bandura artists of the Ukrainian diaspora of the 20th – early 21st centuries. The article analyzes the principles and manifestations of creative universalism of the bandura art of the Ukrainian diaspora. The personalities of bandura artists of the diaspora, whose work has become a manifestation of universalism in the context of actualizing the need to generalize and analyze the achievements of bandura art abroad as part of Ukrainian musical culture, are highlighted. The research methodology involves the use of historical, axiological, musicological and cultural approaches and methods. They allowed considering the activities of bandura players in a non-national environment (historical approach), the value of their achievements in various vectors of creativity (axiological approach), and comprehensively present the contribution of bandura players to the world treasury of Ukrainian culture from the standpoint of universalism (musicological and culturological approaches). The scientific novelty of the research lies in the introduction into scientific circulation of the analysis of creative activity and achievements of bandura artists in the Ukrainian diaspora from the standpoint of universalism, priority of the type of activity or their synergy. Conclusions. In the bandura art of the diaspora during the 20th and beginning of the 21st century, the performing direction of activity has been defined as a priority (leading one). It covers different types of performance as a soloist or participant, conductor of a bandura ensemble, recording activities or a combination of some or all of these types. Auxiliary areas are such areas as design (substantiation of types of bandura models and their manufacture); composition (creation of author’s compositions, arrangements, arrangements for personal use and students or followers); pedagogical and methodical (teaching and formation of game methods); research and journalistic (publishing scientific articles, monographs and press publications); administrative and organizational (management of educational institutions, centres, management of teams, publications); managerial and organizational (preparation of concert, recording, publishing, scientific and festival events), etc.



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