- 1. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education, Vice-Dean of the Pedagogical Faculty in the Scientific Work, Kamianets-Podіlskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University, Kamianets-Podіlskyi, Ukraine.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the scientific achievements in the field of inclusive education in the General Secondary Educational Institutionsand to determine the structure of methodological competence of teachers under the conditions of inclusive education.
Methodology. An integrated approach was used to determine the degree of disclosure of the research problem; the methods of systematic analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, induction and deduction, abstraction and concretization, comparisons, which made it possible to reveal the methodological and theoretical principles, the categorical apparatus of the research;explanations and justifications for formulating the research conclusions were used.
Scientific novelty. The author’s vision of the main advantages of inclusive education has been offered; the main components of the teacher’s methodical competence under the conditions of inclusive education, namely: motivational-value, cognitive and organizational-practical, have been determined and grounded.
Conclusions.It has been clarified that inclusive education means that all students receive a quality education under the conditions of a General Secondary Educational Institution, each of them is unique in his own way, has different abilities and possesses a different level of knowledge, which the teacher helps him develop, receives individual help from him and educational institution as a whole, contributes to the formation of the personality that develops throughout life. The main components of the teacher’s methodical competence under the conditions of inclusive education, namely: motivational and value (ensures the development of the general positive motivation and the moral and psychological component of the methodical competence), cognitive (aimed at the development of the theoretical component of the methodical competence), and organizational and practical (contributes to the development of the practical component of the methodical competence), have been determined and grounded.
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