Published June 1, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Modern Sound Recording Technologies

  • 1. Kyiv University of Culture, Ukraine
  • 2. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to investigate modern sound recording technologies; analyze the structural components that affect the sound formation of audio-visual content. The research methodology consists in the application of the following methods: theoretical method (consideration and structure of sound recording equipment as a process of transforming sound from analogue to digital and vice versa); analysis and synthesis (to analyze the work of sound recording technologies in the modern media space); systematization (a generalization of the material in the conclusions). The scientific novelty lies in the differential approach associated with the stage of sound recording perception, from analogue-digital signal to digital-analogue one, as a means of influencing the increase of sound level at the final stage. Conclusions. Under the influence of the widespread use of audio-visual content, the study analyzed the components of the sound recording equipment aspects and sound reproduction in general. Structural components that are a component of factors influencing the formation of sound have been considered in detail.



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