Published July 31, 2021 | Version v1
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Signposts for a sustainable Oudlandpolder

  • 1. Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO nv). Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol, Belgium.
  • 2. Flemish Land Agency (VLM)


These results have been developed as part of the EU-H2020 project COASTAL (  

On 18 December 2020, the Flemish government approved the Oudlandpolder land development project. This was the official kick-off for a future-oriented project to make the Oudlandpolder a resilient and climate-resistant area where it is pleasant to live, work and spend time.  Given that various paths lead to a future-proof Oudlandpolder, 4 workshops were organised on 24 and 25 March 2021.  A diverse group of people reflected on and discussed the future of a number of elements that are highly specific to the polder: the polder villages, the dune-polder transition, the nature areas and agricultural areas. Each of the workshops focused on one of these elements and aimed to put forward five shared principles.  Signposts, as it were, that the participants intend to follow in the further development of the Oudlandpolder. 

This publication consists of 4 parts in which the signposts that followed from the 4 workshops can be found in succession. You can read these parts separately or see them as a larger whole. If you do go through the entire publication as a whole, you will notice that in the various workshops principles were put forward that fully or partially overlap. It was a conscious decision not to merge them, and thus present these principles multiple times. In this way, the themes emerge clearly where the participants can find common ground over the boundaries of the different workshops.


The following organisations participated in the workshops for the Oudlandpolder: Municipality of Jabbeke, Municipalities of Zuienkerke, City of Bruges, New Polder of Blankenberge, Province of West Flanders, Services of the Governor of West Flanders, Environment Department, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, ANB, VLM, VMM, SERV, VLAKWA, POM West Flanders, Ostend Science Park, VLIZ, ILVO, inagro, University of Antwerp, MBZ NV (Port of Zeebrugge), Boerenbond, Natuurpunt, Natuurpunt Uitkerkse Polder and 4 different independent agricultural companies. The workshops were moderated by VLM and VITO.


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COASTAL – Collaborative lAnd Sea inTegration pLatform 773782
European Commission