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Published August 10, 2022 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Examining the Digital Literacy Movement in Higher Education and Its Relationship to Students' Digital literacy

  • 1. Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang


This study examines the implementation of the digital literacy movement in higher education and its relation to student digital literacy. Researchers conducted descriptive qualitative research using questionnaires and interviews. This sample consists of 136 students from 15 different study programs. According to the findings of this study, the implementation of the digital literacy movement in higher education has been supported by policies and guidelines concerning the use of digital devices, the availability of a variety of digital services, and digital reading materials. Furthermore, students show good technological, personal security, critical thinking, and communication skills. Besides that, the security and informational capabilities of the students' mobile devices are pretty satisfactory. However, as a result, students have not consistently applied the concept of digital literacy. Therefore, universities must continue to enhance the implementation of the digital literacy movement and the involvement of parents, private organizations, and the government in the program.


Artikel Prosiding ISEHT UNNES - Hamdan Husein Batubara.pdf

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