Published September 13, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Novel Cooperative of Cluster Member Nodes with Watchdog for Detecting Attacker Nodes

  • 1. Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India


A peer-to-peer network of mobile nodes that may communicate with one another in the absence of a supporting infrastructure is known as a mobile ad hoc network (MANET). Nodes can directly connect via wireless links with their own neighbours (i.e., nodes within radio range). In any case, non-neighboring nodes can still communicate by acting as relays to send packets to their destinations utilizing other intermediate nodes. This type of network is appropriate in all situations when a speedy network deployment is required, but the availability of access points is not assured because it lacks a stable infrastructure. This is particularly crucial for networks with irregular connections, like delay tolerant networks (DTNs), because watchdogs occasionally lack the time or knowledge to find the selfish nodes. For wireless sensor networks to function correctly and provide secure communications, MANETs presuppose that mobile nodes would cooperate voluntarily (WSNs). A collaborative strategy called Watchdog (CoCoWa) is based on the spread of selfish local nodes' awareness of contacts.


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