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Published September 10, 2022 | Version 1
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Research data for "Tidal modulation of the seismic activity related to the 2021 La Palma volcanic eruption"

  • 1. Institute of Geosciences (IGEO), CSIC-UCM, Calle del Doctor Severo Ochoa, 7. 28040-Madrid, Spain.
  • 2. E.T.S. de Ingenieros en Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28031-Madrid, Spain.


Research data for 
Tidal modulation of the seismic activity related to the 2021 La Palma volcanic eruption

Luis Miguelsanz (1), José Fernández (1), Juan F.Prieto (2), Kristy F. Tiampo (3)

(1) Institute of Geosciences (IGEO), CSIC-UCM, Calle del Doctor Severo Ochoa, 7. 28040-Madrid, Spain.
(2) E.T.S. de Ingenieros en Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28031-Madrid, Spain.
(3) Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA.



This set of files contains data supporting the tables and figures featured in the journal article.
File Ts01.xlsx shows earthquake data belonging to the Phase 0 defined in the manuscript, as well as tidal stress phases and amplitudes obtained for each event using the methodology explained in the text. 
Files Ts02.xlsx and Ts03.xlsx are datasets analog to File Ts01.xlsx, but using data corresponding to Phase 1 and Phase 2 respectively. 
Data of Files Ts01.xlsx, Ts02.xlsx and Ts03.xlsx have been used to compose Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, and Figures 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

File Ts04.xlsx features tidal strain values (Volume strain and East-West, North-South and Vertical components) calculated at two-hour intervals for an imaginary focus whose epicenter is set at the 
geographical center of all the epicenters of the catalogue, and whose depth is the mean depth of the events in the catalogue during the period 2021/08/31 – 2021/12/25.
Data from File Ts04.xlsx has been used for composition of Figures 9 and 10 in the manuscript.

File Ts05.xlsx features tidal stress values (East-West, North-South and Vertical components) calculated at two-hour intervals for an imaginary focus whose epicenter is set at the geographical center 
of all the epicenters of the catalogue, and whose depth is the mean depth of the events in the catalogue during the period 2021/08/31 – 2021/12/25. 
Data from File Ts05.xlsx has been used for composition of Figure 11 in the manuscript.

File Ts06.xlsx features tidal stress values (ocean-loading tides and body tides) calculated at two-hour intervals for an imaginary focus whose epicenter is set at the geographical center of all the 
epicenters of the catalogue, and whose depth is the mean depth of the events in the catalogue during the period 2021/08/31 – 2021/12/25. 
Data from File Ts06.xlsx has been used for composition of Figure 12 in the manuscript.

File Ts07.xlsx shows tidal tilt phases and amplitudes obtained for each event in the three Phases 0, 1, and 2 (North-South and East-West components).
Data from File Ts07.xlsx has been used for composition of Figures 13 and 14 and Tables 5 and 6 in the manuscript.

File Ts08.xlsx features tidal tilt values (North-South and East-West components) calculated at two-hour intervals for an imaginary focus whose epicenter is set at the geographical center of all 
the epicenters of the catalogue during the period 2021/08/31 – 2021/12/25. 
Data from File Ts08.xlsx has been used for composition of Figure 15 in the manuscript. 

File Ts09.xlsx shows tidal stress phases and amplitudes calculated at two-hour intervals for an imaginary focus whose epicenter is set at the geographical center of all the epicenters of the catalogue, 
and whose depth is the mean depth of the events in the catalogue throughout the year 2021.
Data from File Ts09.xlsx has been used for the discussion in chapter 5 about the predominance of ocean-loading tides over solid earth tides.

1. Ts01.xlsx Data used to detect tidal stress correlations in Phase 0 of the volcanic crisis.

1.1 Column "Year", y.
1.2 Column "Month", m.
1.3 Column "Day", d.
1.4 Column "Hour", h.
1.5 Column "Minute", min.
1.6 Column "Second", s.
1.7 Column "Latitude", deg, latitude north of equator.
1.8 Column "Longitude", deg, longitude east of Greenwich.
1.9 Column "Depth", km.
1.10 Column "Phase_confining_stress", deg, tidal phase angle assigned to the event, calculated for tidal confining stress.
1.11 Column "Amplitude_confining_stress", Pa, amplitude of the tidal half cycle in which the event occurs, calculated for tidal confining stress.
1.12 Column "Phase_confining_stress_rate", deg, tidal phase angle assigned to the event, calculated for tidal confining stress rate.
1.13 Column "Amplitude_confining_stress_rate", Pa/h, amplitude of the tidal half cycle in which the event occurs, calculated for tidal confining stress rate.
1.14 Column "Magnitude", earthquake magnitude.

2. Ts02.xlsx Data used to detect tidal stress correlations in Phase 1 of the volcanic crisis.

2.1 Column "Year", y.
2.2 Column "Month", m.
2.3 Column "Day", d.
2.4 Column "Hour", h.
2.5 Column "Minute", min.
2.6 Column "Second", s.
2.7 Column "Latitude", deg, latitude north of equator.
2.8 Column "Longitude", deg, longitude east of Greenwich.
2.9 Column "Depth", km.
2.10 Column "Phase_confining_stress", deg, tidal phase angle assigned to the event, calculated for tidal confining stress.
2.11 Column "Amplitude_confining_stress", Pa, amplitude of the tidal half cycle in which the event occurs, calculated for tidal confining stress.
2.12 Column "Phase_confining_stress_rate", deg, tidal phase angle assigned to the event, calculated for tidal confining stress rate.
2.13 Column "Amplitude_confining_stress_rate", Pa/h, amplitude of the tidal half cycle in which the event occurs, calculated for tidal confining stress rate.
2.14 Column "Magnitude", earthquake magnitude.
2.15 Column "Autonum", autonumeric code.

3. Ts03.xlsx Data used to detect tidal stress correlations in Phase 2 of the volcanic crisis.

3.1 Column "Year", y.
3.2 Column "Month", m.
3.3 Column "Day", d.
3.4 Column "Hour", h.
3.5 Column "Minute", min.
3.6 Column "Second", s.
3.7 Column "Latitude", deg, latitude north of equator.
3.8 Column "Longitude", deg, longitude east of Greenwich.
3.9 Column "Depth", km.
3.10 Column "Phase_confining_stress", deg, tidal phase angle assigned to the event, calculated for tidal confining stress.
3.11 Column "Amplitude_confining_stress", Pa, amplitude of the tidal half cycle in which the event occurs, calculated for tidal confining stress.
3.12 Column "Phase_confining_stress_rate", deg, tidal phase angle assigned to the event, calculated for tidal confining stress rate.
3.13 Column "Amplitude_confining_stress_rate", Pa/h, amplitude of the tidal half cycle in which the event occurs, calculated for tidal confining stress rate.
3.14 Column "Magnitude", earthquake magnitude.
3.15 Column "Autonum", autonumeric code.

4. Ts04.xlsx Tidal strain calculated at two-hour intervals for for an imaginary focus whose epicenter is set at the geographical center of all the epicenters of the catalogue, 
and whose depth is the mean depth of the events in the catalogue during the period 2021/08/31 – 2021/12/25.

4.1 Column "Latitude", deg, latitude north of equator.
4.2 Column "Longitude", deg, longitude east of Greenwich.
4.3 Column "Depth", km.
4.4 Column "Date", date in format yyyymmdd.
4.5 Column "Time", time in format hour : minute : second.
4.6 Column "Volume strain", nanostrain, tidal volume strain.
4.7 Column "East-West strain", nanostrain, tidal East-West strain.
4.8 Column "North-South strain", nanostrain, tidal North-South strain.
4.9 Column "Vertical strain", nanostrain, tidal Vertical strain.

5. Ts05.xlsx Tidal stress calculated at two-hour intervals for for an imaginary focus whose epicenter is set at the geographical center of all the epicenters of the catalogue, 
and whose depth is the mean depth of the events in the catalogue during the period 2021/08/31 – 2021/12/25.

5.1 Column "Latitude", deg, latitude north of equator.
5.2 Column "Longitude", deg, longitude east of Greenwich.
5.3 Column "Depth", km.
5.4 Column "Date", date in format yyyymmdd.
5.5 Column "Time", time in format hour : minute : second.
5.6 Column "East-West stress", Pa, tidal East-West stress.
5.7 Column "North-South stress", Pa, tidal North-South stress.
5.8 Column "Vertical stress", Pa, tidal Vertical stress.

6. Ts06.xlsx tidal stress (ocean-loading tides and body tides) calculated at two-hour intervals for an imaginary focus whose epicenter is set at the geographical center of all 
the epicenters of the catalogue, and whose depth is the mean depth of the events in the catalogue during the period 2021/08/31 – 2021/12/25. 

6.1 Column "Latitude", deg, latitude north of equator.
6.2 Column "Longitude", deg, longitude east of Greenwich.
6.3 Column "Depth", km.
6.4 Column "Date", date in format yyyymmdd.
6.5 Column "Time", time in format hour : minute : second.
6.6 Column "Ocean tides stress", Pa, tidal stress due to ocean-loading tides.
6.7 Column "Body tides stress", Pa, tidal stress due to body tides.

7. Ts07.xlsx Tidal tilt phases and amplitudes for the events in the three Phases 0, 1, and 2.

7.1 Column "Phase", number of the phase of the seismic unrest, as defined in the manuscript (0, 1, and 2).
7.2 Column "Year", y.
7.3 Column "Month", m.
7.4 Column "Day", d.
7.5 Column "Hour", h.
7.6 Column "Minute", min.
7.7 Column "Second", s.
7.8 Column "Latitude", deg, latitude north of equator.
7.9 Column "Longitude", deg, longitude east of Greenwich.
7.10 Column "Depth", km.
7.11 Column "Phase_tilt_NS", deg, tidal phase angle assigned to the event, calculated for tidal tilt (North-South component).
7.12 Column "Ampl_tilt_NS", nrad, amplitude of the tidal half cycle in which the event occurs, calculated for tidal tilt (North-South component).
7.13 Column "Phase_tilt_EW", deg, tidal phase angle assigned to the event, calculated for tidal tilt (East-West component).
7.14 Column "Ampl_tilt_NS", nrad, amplitude of the tidal half cycle in which the event occurs, calculated for tidal tilt (East-West component).
7.15 Column "Magnitude", earthquake magnitude.

8. Ts08.xlsx Tidal tilt (North-South and East-West components) calculated at two-hour intervals for an imaginary focus whose epicenter is set at the geographical center of all 
the epicenters of the catalogue during the period 2021/08/31 – 2021/12/25. 

8.1 Column "Latitude", deg, latitude north of equator.
8.2 Column "Longitude", deg, longitude east of Greenwich.
8.3 Column "Depth", km.
8.4 Column "Date", date in format yyyymmdd.
8.5 Column "Time", time in format hour : minute : second.
8.6 Column "East-West tilt", nrad, East-West tidal tilt.
8.7 Column "North-South tilt", nrad, North-South tidal tilt.

9. Ts09.xlsx tidal stress phases and amplitudes calculated at two-hour intervals for an imaginary focus whose epicenter is set at the geographical center of all 
the epicenters of the catalogue, and whose depth is the mean depth of the events in the catalogue throughout the year 2021.
9.1 Column "Latitude", deg, latitude north of equator.
9.2 Column "Longitude", deg, longitude east of Greenwich.
9.3 Column "Depth", km.
9.4 Column "Date", date in format yyyymmdd.
9.5 Column "Time", time in format hour : minute : second.
9.6 Column "Phase (body tides)", degrees, tidal stress phase angle calculated for body tides.
9.7 Column "Amplitude (body tides)", Pa, amplitude of the tidal half cycle, calculated for body tides.
9.8 Column "Phase (ocean tides)", degrees, tidal stress phase angle calculated for ocean-loading tides.
9.9 Column "Amplitude (ocean tides)", Pa, amplitude of the tidal half cycle, calculated for ocean-loading tides.


This work has been supported by Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (10.13039/501100011033) grants RTI2018-093874-B-I00 (DEEP-MAPS) and PID2021-122142OB-I00 (G2HOTSPOTS).



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