Published August 17, 2022 | Version v4
Conference paper Open

Applicative Intersection Types (Artifact)

  • 1. The University of Hong Kong
  • 2. University of Cambridge


This is the folder of artifact for the paper Applicative Intersection Types, all lemmas and properties shown in the paper can be found in the artifact.

There are five Coq projects in our artifact and each is documented by coqdoc.

core: Coq proof of the first calculus

core+disjoint: Coq proof of the second calculus

subtyping/normal: Coq proof of properties of applicative subtyping WRT subtyping without distribuitivity.

subtyping/normal+distri: Coq proof of properties of applicative subtyping WRT subtyping with distribuivity.

subtyping/normal+distri+toplike: Coq proof of properties of applicative subtyping WRT subtyping with distribuivity and top-like rule.


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