Published September 5, 2022 | Version v1
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Calcification Dissolution Potential Tool for Excel: Version 1

  • 1. Scripps Institution of Oceanography


The following data entry sheets are designed to quantify salinity normalized seawater total alkalinity anomalies (∆nTA) from inputs of offshore and coral reef total alkalinity (TA) and salinity (S) data while taking into account the various sources of uncertainty associated with these data normalizations and calculations to estimate the CDP for each reef observation (for details see Courtney et al., 2021).


Only cells blocked in white should be modified on the "Data Entry" sheet and all cells blocked in gray are locked to protect the formulas from being modfied. Data for at least one offshore TA and S sample and one coral reef TA and S sample must be entered to display the ∆nTA and CDP for the given reef system.

The equations herein will average all offshore TA and S data to calculate the ∆nTA to leverage all possible data. Additionally, the spreadsheets allow for the reference S to be set to the mean offshore or mean coral reef S and are calculated for a range of freshwater TA endmembers, including the option for a user defined value. ∆nTA is calculated as per the following equations from Courtney et al (2021).

The CDP summary page also provides a number of summary graphs to visualize (1) whether there are apparent relationships between coral reef TA and S, (2) how the ∆nTA of the inputted data compares to global coral reef ∆TA data from Cyronak et al. (2018), (3) how the ∆nTA data varies spatially across the reef locations, and (4) how well the ∆nTA data covers a complete diel cycle.


For further details on the uncertainties associated with the salinity normalization of coral reef data and relevant equations, please see the following publication:

Courtney TA, Cyronak T, Griffin AJ, Andersson AJ (2021) Implications of salinity normalization of seawater total alkalinity in coral reef metabolism studies. PLOS One 16(12): e0261210.

Please cite as:

Courtney TA & Andersson AJ (2022) Calcification Dissolution Potential Tool for Excel: Version 1.


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