Published September 3, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Doctor of Art (Dr. Sc.), Associate Professor, Full member (academician) AN TURON of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Kazakh branch of Baku State University, Azerbaijan


This article discusses the problems of color science. As you know, colors play an important role in solving aesthetic problems of creative activity in design and visual arts. From this point of view, this work analyzes the physical properties of flowers, as well as their psycho-emotional impact on a man. The article deals with the scientific and theoretical views on flowers, some well-known experts in different historical periods. Summarizing the materials studied and based on personal practical experience, the author provides a color classification. On its basis, the use of colors in artistic activities is commented, at the same time, the importance of optimization in this matter is noted. The article, among other things, deals with the possibility of using colors in the organization of man-objectmachine-environment systems with a utilitarian-functional purpose. We hope that the presented scientific article, being the result of our serious research in the field of color research, will be of value in the future in conducting scientific research in this direction.


Deutsche internationale Zeitschrift für zeitgenössische Wissenschaft №39 2022-5-9.pdf