Published November 2, 2022 | Version 1.1
Dataset Open

Northeast Pacific deoxygenation and volcanism during the last deglaciation

  • 1. ETH Zurich
  • 2. Oregon State University
  • 3. Texas A&M University


File structure:

Source data

  • Contains source data to main text and extended data figures. Data sources are identified within and listed below.


Computer codes

  • Geochemical inversion
  • “Data for geochemical inversion.xlsx”: contains Gulf of Alaska sediment and volcanic/terrigenous endmember geochemical data used for data inversion.
  • “geochemical inversion.r”: R script used to perform geochemical inversion.
  • “GOA inversion fraction.csv”: Result of the geochemical inversion, including the volcanic and terrigenous fractions in each Gulf of Alaska sediment sample.
  • “GOA inversion residual.csv”: Result of the geochemical inversion, including the residuals of each element.
  • cluster volcanic geochemical data
    •  “Database of volcanic geochemistry.xlsx”: compiled database of the geochemistry of volcanic endmember samples.
    •  “cluster.r”: R script used to perform cluster analysis on the volcanic samples.
    •  “Clustered volcanic data.csv”: the results of cluster analysis.
    •  “Dendroplot.r”: R script used to plot the dendrogram for the cluster analysis.
    •  “dendro 15 complete euclidean.pdf”: The dendrogram.
    •  “Volcanic endmembers.csv”: final geochemical volcanic endmembers based on the cluster analysis.


  • Global volcanic eruption compilation –
  • “eruption.database.intcal20.xlsx”: This file includes the eruption database compiled by this study, as well as the previous compilation of Huybers and Langmuir 2009 EPSL (referred to as HL09).
  • “eruption.ratio.R” and “volc.freq.R”: These are R scripts that compute the eruption frequency of glaciated and unglaciated volcanoes using the eruption database. “eruption.ratio.R”calls the function inside “volc.freq.R”.
  • “Volcanic eruption summary.xlsx”: This file contains the outputs of the R scripts.


  • PISM sensitivity experiment –
  • “” and other netcdf files: The output of PISM sensitivity experiments, from Seguinot. (2020). Cordilleran ice sheet glacial cycle simulations continuous variables [Data set]. Zenodo. Click the link to see the documentation of these files.
  • “temperature timeseries.xlsx”: the temperature forcing used in the sensitivity experiments.
  • “PISM sensitivity.r”: R script used to analyse the PISM sensitivity experiments, including data binning, lag correlation and regression between ice sheeting response and temperature forcing.
  • “PISM sensitivity.xlsx”: Output of the R script.
  • “GOA.calibration.csv”: SST record from the Gulf of Alaska site 85JC/U1419, calibrated using bayspline.
  • “GOA.Ensemble.csv”: 1000 ensemble output of the bayspline calibration.
  • “predict ice volume SST.r”: R script used to predict the response of CIS ice volume to GOA SST forcing. The script will call the results of PISM sensitivity experiments in “PISM sensitivity.xlsx” and the GOA SST forcing in “GOA.calibration.csv” and “GOA.calibration.csv”.
  • “PISM ice vol GOA SST.csv”: predicted PISM ice vol based on GOA SST forcing and taking into account all sensitivity experiments and the uncertainty in SST reconstruction.
  • “PISM ice vol GOA SST model.csv”: predicted PISM ice vol based on GOA SST forcing based on each sensitivity experiment and the uncertainty in SST reconstruction.


Please cite the following studies when using the data, in addition to citing the present study:

GOA age model, IRD and MAR:

Walczak, M. H. et al. Phasing of millennial-scale climate variability in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Science 370, 716–720 (2020).

Velle, J. H. et al. High resolution inclination records from the Gulf of Alaska, IODP Expedition 341 Sites U1418 and U1419. Geophys. J. Int. 229, 345–358 (2022).

Heaton, T. J. et al. Marine20—The Marine Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curve (0–55,000 cal BP). Radiocarbon 62, 779–820 (2020).


Praetorius, S. K. et al. North Pacific deglacial hypoxic events linked to abrupt ocean warming. Nature 527, 362–366 (2015).

Romero, O. E., LeVay, L. J., McClymont, E. L., Müller, J. & Cowan, E. A. Orbital and Suborbital-Scale Variations of Productivity and Sea Surface Conditions in the Gulf of Alaska During the Past 54,000 Years: Impact of Iron Fertilization by Icebergs and Meltwater. Paleoceanogr. Paleoclimatology 37, e2021PA004385 (2022).

Tierney, J. E. & Tingley, M. P. BAYSPLINE: A New Calibration for the Alkenone Paleothermometer. Paleoceanogr. Paleoclimatology 33, 281–301 (2018).

GOA benthic foraminifera assemblage:

Belanger, C. L., Sharon, Du, J., Payne, C. R. & Mix, A. C. North Pacific deep-sea ecosystem responses reflect post-glacial switch to pulsed export productivity, deoxygenation, and destratification. Deep Sea Res. Part Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 164, 103341 (2020).

Sharon, Belanger, C., Du, J. & Mix, A. Reconstructing Paleo-oxygenation for the Last 54,000 Years in the Gulf of Alaska Using Cross-validated Benthic Foraminiferal and Geochemical Records. Paleoceanogr. Paleoclimatology 36, e2020PA003986 (2021).

GOA productivity:

Romero, O. E., LeVay, L. J., McClymont, E. L., Müller, J. & Cowan, E. A. Orbital and       Suborbital-Scale Variations of Productivity and Sea Surface Conditions in the Gulf of             Alaska During the Past 54,000 Years: Impact of Iron Fertilization by Icebergs and Meltwater. Paleoceanogr. Paleoclimatology 37, e2021PA004385 (2022).

Addison, J. A. et al. Productivity and sedimentary δ15N variability for the last 17,000 years along the northern Gulf of Alaska continental slope. Paleoceanography 27, PA1206 (2012).

GOA bulk sediment neodymium isotopes:

Du, J., Haley, B. A., Mix, A. C., Walczak, M. H. & Praetorius, S. K. Flushing of the deep      Pacific Ocean and the deglacial rise of atmospheric CO 2 concentrations. Nat. Geosci.         11, 749–755 (2018).

GOA volcanic endmember data compilation:

Cameron, C. E., Snedigar, S. F. & Nye, C. J. Alaska Volcano Observatory geochemical       database. DDS 8 (2014)             doi:10.14509/29120.

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Global and regional volcanic eruption data compilation:

Huybers, P. & Langmuir, C. Feedback between deglaciation, volcanism, and atmospheric CO2. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 286, 479–491 (2009).

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Praetorius, S. et al. Interaction between climate, volcanism, and isostatic rebound in Southeast Alaska during the last deglaciation. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 452, 79–89 (2016).

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GIA models:

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PISM sensitivity experiments and temperature forcing:

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Be10 data compilation:

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Lesnek, A. J., Briner, J. P., Lindqvist, C., Baichtal, J. F. & Heaton, T. H. Deglaciation of the Pacific coastal corridor directly preceded the human colonization of the Americas. Sci. Adv. 4, eaar5040 (2018).

Tulenko, J. P., Briner, J. P., Young, N. E. & Schaefer, J. M. The last deglaciation of Alaska and a new benchmark 10Be moraine chronology from the western Alaska Range. Quat. Sci. Rev. 287, 107549 (2022).


Du et al. 2022 NE Pacific deoxygenation

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  • Du J., Mix A. C., Haley B. A., Belanger C. L. and Sharon (2022) Volcanic trigger of ocean deoxygenation during Cordilleran ice sheet retreat. Nature 611, 74–80.