Effective inter-organisational networks for Responsible Research and Innovation and global sustainability: a scoping review
- 1. International Consortium of Research Staff Associations (ICoRSA), Cork City, Ireland
- 2. Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Auburn University, Auburn, United States, Auburn, USA
- 3. Science communication, Rhine-Waal University, Kleve, Germany
Background: Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is beyond the capacity of any single organisation. The principles of engaging stakeholders suggest that an engaged, multi-sectoral approach, such as described in models of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), hold promise to mobilise humanity to solve complex and urgent global issues.
Methods: This scoping review explores the characteristics of effective and sustainable inter-organisational networks for fostering RRI in service of the SDGs. The review focuses on strategies to initiate and maintain international communities of practice relevant to the implementation of RRI and/or SDGs. The search began with themes derived from prior network theory, focusing on: (a) the type and function of networks; (b) the aims and vision; and (c) the relationships between networks and network members. In total, 55 articles on inter-organisational network theory were included for the final analysis.
Results: Results are reported under themes of: (1) Effectiveness, Sustainability, and Success; (2) Governance and Management; and (3) Network Relationship. Network structures, forms of management and funding are linked to sustainable networks. Potential threats include power imbalances within networks, and internal and external factors that may affect relationships at network and community levels. Few studies examine diversity or cultural viewpoints. Studies highlight the benefits of networks such as enhancing knowledge sharing among researchers, practitioners, and other stakeholders.
Conclusions: The effectiveness of the managerial structure may be observed as outputs of the intention and values of an inter-organisational network. Our review demonstrates that a global inter-organisational network approach is achievable. Such a network would have many benefits, including allowing organisations to be responsive and flexible towards change and innovation.
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