Published August 11, 2022
| Version v1
Journal article
From synonym to valid species: Redescriptions of Ampharete acutifrons (Grube, 1860) and A. cirrata Webster & Benedict, 1887, and brief descriptions of A. baltica Eliason, 1955 and A. grubei Malmgren, 1865 (Annelida: Terebellida: Ampharetidae)
- 1. Universität Rostock, Institut für Biowissenschaften, Allgemeine und Spezielle Zoologie, Universitätsplatz 2, 18055 Rostock, Germany.,;
- 2. Institut für Angewandte Ökosystemforschung GmbH, Alte Dorfstrasse 11, 18184 Broderstorf, Germany.
- 3. Universität Rostock, Institut für Biowissenschaften, Tierphysiologie, Albert-Einstein-Strasse 3, 18059 Rostock, Germany.;
Krüger, Lotte, Dietrich, Anna, Bastrop, Ralf, Bick, Andreas (2022): From synonym to valid species: Redescriptions of Ampharete acutifrons (Grube, 1860) and A. cirrata Webster & Benedict, 1887, and brief descriptions of A. baltica Eliason, 1955 and A. grubei Malmgren, 1865 (Annelida: Terebellida: Ampharetidae). Zootaxa 5174 (4): 357-380, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5174.4.3
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