The role of tropical cyclone on Changjiang River subaqueous delta geomorphology: a numerical investigation of Tropical Cyclone Danas (2019)
- 1. East China Normal University
- 2. Nanjing University
ecs_mesh: Model domain used for numerical simulation in Matlab data format.
Variable description of ecs_mesh.mat:
nodex/nodey: Longitude/Latitude of the vertices of the triangles
cellx/celly: Longitude/Latitude of the faces of the triangles
nodeh: Bathymetry of the vertices
nv: Vertices composition of the triangles
model_result_baroclinic: Used FVCOM model output from 2019-07-01 to 2019-08-01 in Matlab data format.
Variable description of model_result_baroclinic.mat:
SSC: Total suspended sediment concentration of all sediment classes, units: g/L
deposition_flux: Deposition flux of suspended sediment, units: kg/m^2/h
divergence_sed_flux: depth-integrated divergence of sediment flux, units: kg/m^2/h
erosion_flux: Erosion flux of sea-bed surface sediment, units: kg/m^2/h
salinity: sea water salinity, units: psu
taub: Total bed stress, units: Pa
time_model: Time of the results, time zone: LST
u: Eastward water velocity, units: m/s
v: Northward water velocity, units: m/s
zeta: Water surface elevation
model_verify: Bed elevation data from ADV, wave parameters from buoy, and bottom suspended sediment concentration from OBS in Matlab data format.
Variable description of model_verify.mat:
ADV_BEC_xx: Bed Elevation measurement from ADV at Station xx, units: mm
ADV_time_xx: Measurement time of bed elevation of ADV at Station xx, time zone: LST
Buoy_hs_S1: Significant wave height measurement from Buoy at Station S1, units: m
Buoy_time_S1: Measurement time of Buoy at Station S1, time zone: LST
Buoy_tpeak_S1: Peak wave period measurement from Buoy at Station S1, units: s
OBS_SSC_S1: Suspended sediment concentration measurement from OBS at Station S1, units: g/L
OBS_time_S1: Measurement time of OBS at Station S1, time zone: LST
tauc_mtke_S1: In-situ bottom shear stress calculated from turbulence kinetic energy method, units: Pa
time_mtke_S1: Time of calculated bottom shear stress, time zone: LST
time_wind: Time of surface wind at S1 from CFSv2 model from 2019-06-01 to 2019-08-01 time zone: LST
u_wind: Eastward velocity of surface wind at S1 from CFSv2 model, units: m/s
v_wind: Northward velocity of surface wind at S1 from CFSv2 model, units: m/s
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