Published June 4, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Cyphochilus zuercheri Sabatinelli 2020, n. sp.


Cyphochilus zuercheri n. sp.

Figs 59-61

Holotype: MHNG (MHNG-ENTO-81699); 1 ♂; THAILAND: // North Thailand / Doi Pui, Chiang Mai / 8.V.1988, leg. F. Ferrero (P) // HOLOTYPUS ♂ / Cyphochilus / zuercheri mihi / G. Sabatinelli, 2020 (T on red) //.

Paratypes: 42 specimens.

THAILAND: NHMB; 14 ♂, 15 ♀; NE Thailand, Mae Hong Son, Ban Huai Po, 800-1600 m; 1-15.[?].1991; leg. S. Bily. – PCMN; 1 ♂, 1 ♀; N Thailand, Chiang Mai Prov., Ban Sampakia, 1400 m; 1-19.V.1998; leg. Ivo Martinŭ. – MHNG; 1 ♂, 1 ♀; North Thailand, Chiang Mai, 1985; leg. N. Koyama. – MHNG, 2 ♂, 1♀; Doi Suthep, V.1985, leg. N. Koyama. – NMPC; 1 ♂, 1 ♀; NW Thailand; Mae Hong Son env., Ban Huai Po, 1800 m; 30.IV.-14.V.1991; leg. Frank Farkač. – NHMB; 1 ♂; same data as previous. – NMPC; 1 ♂, 3 ♀; NW Thailand; Mae Hong Son env., Ban Huai Po, 1600-2000 m; 30.IV.- 4.V.1991; leg. J. Horác. – NMPC; 2 ♂, 1 ♀; N Thailand, Chiang Dao, Ban San Pakia, 1200 m; 5-10.V.2004; leg. Sv. Bily. – NMPC; 1 ♂; Central Thailand, PKK Prov., Hua Hin; 13-15.V.2004; leg. Sv. Bily.

MYANMAR: BMNH; 1 ♂; Maymyo [Mandalay: Pyin Oo Lwin]; leg. H. L. Andrewes.

Description of the holotype male: Size – BL: 18.6 mm, BW: 7.2 mm, BWX: 9.6 mm, situated at midpoint of elytra. Color. Integument dark shiny brown; dorsal surface with white scales densely aggregated along the sides of pronotum and margins of elytra. Head – CW/L: 3.1; anterolateral edges of clypeus rounded, lateral edges of clypeus curved divergent posteriad; frons large, making eyes relatively small (F/O: 4.3); antennal club, slightly longer than antennomeres 2-7 (A2-7/CL: 0.6). Pronotum – Transverse (PnW/L: 2.2), strongly convex; apical and lateral angles obtuse. Elytra – Without any visible striae. Thoracic sterna – Surface with short, white pubescence and scales; mesosternum slightly developed anteriorly (MstL: 0.65 mm) however visible between the mesocoxae in lateral view. Abdomen – Sternites with sparse scales except the median part of the eight sternite; pygidium convex with apical margin reflected. Legs – Protibia tridentate with the basal tooth vestigial; slender apical tooth as long as the middle tooth. Aedeagus – Parameres slightly asymmetric, relatively simple in the morphology compared to other Cyphochilus (Figs 59-61); the left paramere with a short dorsal process.

Variability: BL: 17-20.5 mm (x = 19.5, n = 35).

Females: BL: 17.5-19 mm; BW: 7.5; BWX: 10.5; antennal club ovate, shorter than preceding antennomeres (A2-7/CL: 1.5).

Etymology: Isabelle Zürcher-Pfander is the Collection Manager of the NHMB who provided some of the specimens of the new species.

Type locality: Doi Pui hill or Doi Suthep (18˚48’ N, 98˚53’ E, 800-1000 m) is part of the Thanon Thong Chai Range, the southernmost subrange of the Shan Highland system in northern Thailand, the hill is located 7 km NNW of Chiang Mai, capital of the homonymous province.

Distribution: Thailand and Myanmar. Most of the specimens of C. zuercheri were collected in northeast Thailand in the mountain part of the Doi Suthep-Pui National Park (261 km 2). The vegetation below 1000 m of altitude is mostly deciduous forest, with evergreen forest above this elevation. However, the distribution of this species, according to available data, spans from Myanmar in the north to Thai part of Malayan Peninsula (Mandalay Region, Hua Hin District of Prachuap Khiri Khan Province) in the south.

Remarks: Cyphochilus zuercheri can be readily separated from all other congeners by the unique shape of the parameres relatively simple and without appendices (Figs 59-61).


Published as part of Sabatinelli, Guido, 2020, Taxonomic notes on the genus Cyphochilus Waterhouse, 1867 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthinae) with description of 10 new species, pp. 157-181 in Revue suisse de Zoologie 127 (1) on page 178, DOI: 10.35929/RSZ.0014,


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sp. nov.
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Cyphochilus zuercheri Sabatinelli, 2020