Published April 14, 2022 | Version v5
Software Open

Building Blocks for Network-Accelerated Distributed File Systems - AD/AE

  • 1. ETH Zurich


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We provide a docker image that includes all software needed to reproduce the results presented in the paper. The image includes the following main components:

- SST simulator. This is a modified version of the Structural Simulation Toolkit that has been adapted to inteface PsPIN cycle-accurate simulations.

- PsPIN (SST version): this is a version of the PsPIN hardware and simulation infrastracture that has been adapted for being integrated into SST.

- PsPIN (standalone): this is a standalone version of PsPIN. We use this for simulations outside SST (e.g., sigle-node throughput).

Additionally, we include scripts to run simulations and reproduce figures and tables included in the paper.


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