Published August 6, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data for: Repeatability of the 20th Century Earthquake Cluster in Mongolia: Paleoseismology along the Tsetserleg Fault (Mongolia)

  • 1. IPGP, France
  • 2. IPGP, France
  • 3. CEA, France
  • 4. Baylor University, United States
  • 5. NAGRA, Switzerland
  • 6. KIGAM, South Korea
  • 7. IAG, Mongolia
  • 8. Mongolia University of Science
  • 9. Institute of Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
  • 10. CNEAS Tohoku University, Japan


This dataset is associated to the article "Repeatability of the 20th Century Earthquake Cluster in Mongolia: Paleoseismology along the Tsetserleg Fault (Mongolia)" submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

It includes the following:

  • Dataset S1 includes the output of the horizontal offset measurements performed with the LaDiCaOz Matlab GUI.
  • Dataset S2 includes the drone DEMs.


The offset measurements were all done using the drone DEMs. The fault line and piercing points were drawn relying on shaded reliefs and contour maps. For each marker, we provide (i) the tracing of the fault and piercing lines, and the positions of the cross-sectional topographic swath profiles, (ii) the topographic swath profiles across the marker at each side of the fault, (iii) the longitudinal topographic swath profiles along the piercing lines and their projection on the fault line, (iv) the minimum, optimal, and maximum reconstructions for the original morphology using the optimal value of vertical offset, (v) the cross-sectional profiles for the current morphology and optimal reconstruction, with the misfit curves for horizontal and vertical displacements, (vi) the longitudinal profiles obtained for the optimal value of vertical offset. The digital elevation models of the study sites were processed from drone photographs with MicMac. This work was supported by the French ANR DISRUPT (ANR-18-CE31-0012). Numerical computations were performed on the S-CAPAD/DANTE platform, IPGP, France. A. Langraf, G. Bayasgalan and A. Munksaikhan were supported by the Volkswagen Foundation (grant AZ 86860 to O. Korup & A. Landgraf).


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Agence Nationale de la Recherche
DISRUPT – Deformation and Earthquake Surface Ruptures: from Observation to Processes ANR-18-CE31-0012