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Published August 3, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Determinants of customer satisfaction and organizational effectiveness

  • 1. Islamia University of Bahawalpur


This research is focused on those factors which are key success factors for banking sector in the region of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The purpose of this study reveals how different factors affect Customer Satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is affected by the Service quality, Price, Perception/Expectation, Behavior/Relationship, Service recovery and Promotion. The study is conducted from the population of Banks Bahawalpur, Pakistan, and the sample size of 150 customers is selected to analyze the influence of service quality, price, perception/expectation, behavior/relationship, service recovery and promotion on customer satisfaction. For this purpose we have used different techniques like correlation, regression, Cronbach’s alpha etc. The study ensures that there is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and above mentioned six independent variables. In this paper, we examine customer satisfaction that is described as need fulfillment. And discussed how customer attitude change toward organization/product in terms of need fulfillment factors that influence the customer satisfaction. Findings of the study shows that service quality and promotion are the key factors for satisfaction in banking industry in Bahawalpur Pakistan. Similarly organizational environment further determines employee’s behavior and customer’s satisfaction 



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