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Published July 31, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open



Secularism is the principle of the separation of government, institution and persons mandated to
represent the state from religious institutions and religious dignitaries .Secularism has intellectual
roots from Greek and Roman philosophers such as Marcus Aurelius and Epicurus and some thinkers
such as john Locke ,Voltaire James Maddison ,Denis Diderot, Thomas Jafferson ,Baruch Spinoza and
Thomas Paine ,recent atheists and Freethinkers Arevrobert Ingersoll and Bertrand Rusell.
Secularism has many opinions, purpose and argument .In Europe we see that secularism is a
movement toward modernization which is away from traditional, religious values. On social and
philosophical level secularism occurred while maintaining an official state church or other state
support of religion. In the United State, state secularism has protested religion and the religious from
governmental interference; it is on a social level less prevalent.



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