Matlab code for estimating the parameters of the kappa-Weibull distribution
The function MAIN_KAPPA_WEIBULL calculates the fit of the data set DATA to the WEIBULL and the KAPPA Weibull distributions. The empirical CDF of the data is first constructed.
The kappa-Weibull CDF fit is performed using the MLE method by minimization of the Negative Log-Likelihood (NLL) of the KAPPA Weibull distribution.
The optimization uses a two-step approach: First, it employs the function FMINCON using the ACTIVE-SET method and is then followed by FMINSEARCH (Simplex search method), which uses the output of FMINCON as initial condition. Gradient information is supplied to FMINCON via the objective function lnL_wbk
Plots of the CDF for the empirical distribution as well as the best-fit Weibull and kappa-Weibull distributions are generated. The functions Phi(tau) (Weibull plots) for the three CDFs are also plotted. Finally, the quantile-quantile plot (empirical to kappa-Weibull) is generated.
The code has been tested with Matlab R2015b
DATA: Array of data values
DATANAM: String array containing name of data (used for labeling)
BETA_W: Parameters of Weibull
BETA_KW: Parameters of Kappa-Weibull
NLL_KW: Negative Log-Likelihood of Fitted Kappa-Weibull
NLL_W: Negative Log-Likelihood of Fitted Weibull
load Cairo_wind_speed;
[beta_w, beta_kw, NLL_W, NLL_KW] = Main_kappa_Weibull(wind, 'Cairo wind');
load Carbon_fiber
[beta_w, beta_kw, NLL_W, NLL_KW] = Main_kappa_Weibull(data_carbon, 'Tensile strength')
EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS USED: expk, lnk, lnL_wbk, wblkcdf
Email: (Dionisis Hristopulos)
Last Modified: July 30, 2022
REFERENCES (If you use this code please cite the following)
[1] D.T. Hristopulos and A. Baxevani, “Kaniadakis functions beyond statistical mechanics: weakest-link scaling, power-law tails, and modified lognormal distribution,” Entropy, 2022.
[2] D. T. Hristopulos, M. P. Petrakis, and G. Kaniadakis, “Finite-size effects on return interval distributions for weakest-link-scaling Systems,” Physical Review E 89, 052142, 28 May 2014.
[3] D. T. Hristopulos, M. P. Petrakis, and G. Kaniadakis, “Weakest-link scaling and extreme events in finite-sized systems,” Entropy, 17(3):1103-1122, 2015.
For more information on the datasets used to test this code see references in [1].
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Additional details
- D. T. Hristopulos, M. P. Petrakis, and G. Kaniadakis, "Finite-size effects on return interval distributions for weakest-link-scaling Systems," Physical Review E 89, 052142, 28 May 2014.
- D. T. Hristopulos, M. P. Petrakis, and G. Kaniadakis, "Weakest-link scaling and extreme events in finite-sized systems," Entropy, 17(3):1103-1122, 2015
- D.T. Hristopulos and A. Baxevani, "Kaniadakis functions beyond statistical mechanics: weakest-link scaling, power-law tails, and modified lognormal distribution," submitted to Entropy, 2022.