Published August 27, 2013 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Robust Controller Synthesis in Timed Automata

  • 1. LSV -- ENS Cachan
  • 2. LSV -- CNRS & ENS Cachan
  • 3. LIF -- Aix-Marseille Université & CNRS


We consider the fundamental problem of Büchi acceptance in timed automata in a robust setting. The problem is formalised in terms of controller synthesis: timed automata are equipped with a parametrised game-based semantics that models the possible perturbations of the decisions taken by the controller. We characterise timed automata that are robustly controllable for some parameter, with a simple graph theoretic condition, by showing the equivalence with the existence of an aperiodic lasso that satisfies the winning condition (aperiodicity was defined and used earlier in different contexts to characterise convergence phenomena in timed automata). We then show decidability and PSPACE-completeness of our problem.



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European Commission
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European Commission
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