Published July 19, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pamphilius hortorum


Pamphilius hortorum (Klug, 1808)

(Figs 83–86) (

Lyda hortorum Klug, 1808: 278.

Pamphilius hortorum: Kirby, 1882: 338; Konow, 1897a: 24, 31; Gussakovskij, 1935: 179, 376; Takeuchi, 1938: 224; Berland, 1947: 50; Verzhutskij, 1966: 27; Shinohara & Okutani, 1983: 278; Achterberg & Aartsen, 1986: 39; Zhelochovtsev & Zinovjev, 1995: 397; Taeger et al., 1998: 105; Shinohara, 2002b: 428; Shinohara, 2004: 264; Shinohara & Taeger, 2007: 35; Shinohara & Lelej, 2007: 934, 942; Shinohara & Kojima, 2009: 407; Sundukov, 2009: 213; Taeger et al., 2010: 87; Sundukov & Lelej, 2012: 109; Sundukov, 2017: 104; Lee et al., 2019: 10; Shinohara, 2019: 10; Shinohara, 2020: 17, 247.

Anoplolyda hortorum: Takeuchi, 1936a: 61.

Material examined. About 710 specimens, including 10 specimens from the Russian Far East and North Korea (Takeuchi 1936a; Shinohara 2002b; Shinohara & Taeger 2007; present work). New collection data: RUSSIA: Primorskij Kraj: 1♂, Lazovsky distr., upstream of Luk’yanov Log Creek, Malaise trap, 25. VI. 2008, Yu. Sundukov, YS 034 (SDEI); 1♀ (DEI-GISHym 21846), Sikhote-Alin Reserve, Middle Kolume river, salty ground, forest, 45.500°N 135.900°E, 18. VI. 2015, M. Sergeev (SDEI).

Distribution. Europe, Siberia, Primorskij Kraj, Sakhalin, North Korea, China (Jilin), Japan (Shinohara 2002b, Shinohara & Yuan 2004, Sundukov 2017).

Host plant. Rosaceae: Rubus spp. (Shinohara & Kojima 2009).

Remarks. This is a widely distributed Palaearctic species and is not uncommon in Hokkaido, Japan (633 Japanese specimens recorded by National Museum of Nature and Science 2021), but it seems rare in the Russian Far East and Korea. In Korea, only one old female specimen labelled “Tonai [=Tonae, Ryanggang-do, North Korea], 23. VII. 1935, K. Takeuchi”, has been recorded (Shinohara 2002b) and we have not seen any specimens or published collection records from South Korea. Lee et al. ’s (2019) record of “ Korea (South)” needs confirmation.

In our COI analysis (Fig. 151), the only specimen available from Primorskij Kraj formed a clade with northern European specimens from Finland and Norway with 100% UFBoot support and this clade was retrieved as sister to a clade of Japanese specimens with 98% UFBoot support; then, this clade of northern European and East Asian specimens was part of the polytomous clade with 100% UFBoot support mostly containing central European material from Germany and Switzerland. For the NaK analysis, only one Norwegian and three Japanese specimens were available and they formed a clade with 100% UFBoot support (Fig. 161). It is interesting that the East Asian specimens are genetically closer to the northern European specimens than to the central European specimens. This may have some connection with Benson’s (1945) finding of pale (south) and dark (north) color forms in Britain and establishment of a new subspecies, P. hortorum bicinctus Benson, 1945, for the northern dark form, which occurs also in Sweden. The specimens from Primorskij Kraj (Fig. 83) and Japan (Fig. 84) are darker than the central European specimens and may agree with the diagnosis of P. hortorum bicinctus. We are not advocating the validity of Benson’s subspecies, but the occurrence of morphologically and genetically similar populations in northern Europe and the Far East should be investigated with much more material from throughout the distribution range of the species.


Published as part of Shinohara, Akihiko, Kramp, Katja & Taeger, Andreas, 2022, The Pamphiliinae of the Russian Far East and Korea (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae), pp. 1-251 in Zootaxa 5167 (1) on page 90, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5167.1.1,


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Pamphilius hortorum (Klug, 1808) sec. Shinohara, Kramp & Taeger, 2022


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