Published July 19, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Onycholyda yezoensis Shinohara 1987


Onycholyda yezoensis Shinohara, 1987

(Figs 46, 47) (

Anoplolyda minomalis: Takeuchi, 1936a: 62. Not Takeuchi, 1936, in part.

Onycholyda minomalis: Shinohara, 1985b: 349; Sundukov, 2017: 103; Taeger et al., 2018. Not Takeuchi, 1936, in part.

Onycholyda yezoensis Shinohara, 1987a: 495; Zhelochovtsev & Zinovjev, 1995: 398; Shinohara, 2002b: 422; Shinohara, 2004: 262; Shinohara & Lelej, 2007: 929; Taeger et al., 2010: 85; Sundukov & Lelej, 2012: 108; Sundukov, 2015: 249; Sundukov, 2017: 104; Shinohara, 2019: 7; Shinohara, 2020: 10, 235.

Material examined. About 40 specimens, including the type series. One specimen is from the Russian Far East (Shinohara 1987a).

Distribution. Russia (Sakhalin), Japan (Hokkaido, Kunashiri Is.) (Sundukov 2015).

Host plant. Rosaceae: Rubus parvifolius L. (Hara & Shinohara 2017).

Remarks. This species is similar to two Japanese species, O. minomalis (Takeuchi, 1930) and O. similis Shinohara, 1987, and a Chinese species, O. atra Shinohara & Wei, 2016 (Shinohara 1987a; Shinohara & Wei 2016). Molecular data are not available for O. atra, but we have COI and NaK sequences for O. minomalis, O. similis and O. yezoensis and they formed a clade with 100% UFBoot support in the COI and 99% UFBoot support in the NaK genes (Figs 139, 153). In the COI analysis, the two sequences of O. yezoensis differed by 0.1% and the nearest neighbour, diverging by a minimum of 2.3%, was O. similis, with which O. yezoensis formed a clade with 100% UFBoot support (Fig. 139). In the NaK analysis, the two sequences of O. yezoensis differed by 0.1% and the nearest neighbour, diverging by a minimum of 0%, was O. similis.

Takeuchi (1936a) first recorded this species as “ Anoplolyda minomalis ” (= O. minomalis) from Sakhalin. Shinohara (1985b), adopting a broader concept of O. minomalis, included Sakhalin in the distribution of O. minomalis. However, Shinohara (1987a) recognized three species in the previous concept of O. minomalis and described the species occurring in Hokkaido and Sakhalin as O. yezoensis, thus excluding Sakhalin from the distribution of O. minomalis. Zhelochovtsev & Zinovjev (1995) correctly understood this history and noted “ yezoensis Shinohara, 1987 (= minomalis auct., in part). — EFE”. Sundukov (2017) included O. minomalis in the Russian fauna, probably according to Shinohara (1985b) and neglecting Shinohara (1987a). Without further evidence, O. minomalis should be excluded from the list of the Russian fauna.


Published as part of Shinohara, Akihiko, Kramp, Katja & Taeger, Andreas, 2022, The Pamphiliinae of the Russian Far East and Korea (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae), pp. 1-251 in Zootaxa 5167 (1) on page 67, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5167.1.1,


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  • Takeuchi, K. (1936 a) Tenthredinoidea of Saghalien (Hymenoptera). Tenthredo, 1, 53 - 108.
  • Shinohara, A. (1985 b) The sawfly genus Onycholyda (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae) of Japan I. Kontyu, Tokyo, 53, 346 - 359.
  • Sundukov, Yu. N. (2017) Suborder Symphyta - Sawflies and wood wasps. In: Lelej, A. S., Proshchalykin, M. Yu. & Loktionov, V. M. (Eds.), Annotated catalogue of the Hymenoptera of Russia. Vol. I. Symphyta and Apocrita: Aculeata. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Supplement 6, pp. 20 - 117.
  • Taeger, A., Liston, A. D., Prous, M., Groll, E. K., Gehroldt, T. & Blank, S. M. (2018) ECatSym - Electronic World Catalog of Symphyta (Insecta, Hymenoptera). Program Version 5.0 (19 December 2018). Data Version 40 (23 September 2018). Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut (SDEI), Muncheberg. Available from: https: // sdei. de / ecatsym / (accessed 31 March 2021)
  • Shinohara, A. (1987 a) The sawfly genus Onycholyda (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae) of Japan V. Kontyu, Tokyo, 55, 486 - 501.
  • Zhelochovtsev, A. N. & Zinovjev, A. G. (1995) A list of the sawflies and horntails (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of the fauna of Russia and adjacent territories. I. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 74, 395 - 415. [in Russian]
  • Shinohara, A. (2002 b) Systematics of the leaf-rolling or webspinning sawfly subfamily Pamphiliinae: a preliminary overview. In: Viitasaari, M. (Ed.), Sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) I. Tremex Press, Helsinki, pp. 359 - 438.
  • Shinohara, A. & Lelej, A. S. (2007) 2. Sem. Pamphiliidae - Pautinnye Pilil'shchiki, ili Pilil'shchiki-tkachi. In: Lelej, A. S. (Ed.), Setchatokryloobraznye, Skorpionnitsy, Pereponchatokrylye. Ch. 5. Opredelitel' Nasekomykh Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii. Tom IV. Dal'nauka, Vladivostok, pp. 922 - 942.
  • Taeger, A., Blank, S. M. & Liston, A. D. (2010) World catalog of Symphyta (Hymenoptera). Zootaxa, 2580 (1), 1 - 1064. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 2580.1.1
  • Sundukov, Yu. N. & Lelej, A. S. (2012) Podotryad Symphyta - Sidyachebryukhie. In: Lelej, A. S. (Ed), Annotated Catalogue of the Insects of Russian Far East. Vol. I. Hymenoptera. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, pp. 62 - 119. [in Russian]
  • Sundukov, Yu. N. (2015) To the sawfly fauna (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of southern Kuriles. A. I. Kurentsov's Annual Memorial Meetings, Issue XXVI, pp. 241 - 258. [in Russian with English abstract]
  • Shinohara, A. (2020) Family Pamphiliidae. In: Naito, T., Shinohara, A., Hara, H. & Ito, F., Sawflies and Woodwasps of Japan. Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo, pp. 3 - 23 + 222 - 254. [in Japanese]
  • Hara, H. & Shinohara, A. (2017) Taxonomic notes and new distribution and host plant records for sawflies and woodwasps (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Japan II. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Series A, 43, 53 - 69.
  • Takeuchi, K. (1930) A revisional list of the Japanese Pamphiliidae, with description of nine new species. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society, 1, 3 - 16.
  • Shinohara, A. & Wei, M. - C. (2016) Leaf-rolling sawflies (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae, Pamphiliinae) of Tianmushan Mountains, Zhejiang Province, China. Zootaxa, 4072 (3), 301 - 318. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4072.3.1