Published June 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Determining the dynamics of electromagnetic fields, air ionization, low-frequency sound and their normalization in premises for computer equipment

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
  • 2. National University of Food Technologies
  • 3. National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • 4. National Aviation University
  • 5. State Institution «Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
  • 6. Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine


This paper reports a study into the quantitative values and dynamics of physical factors in premises and workplaces of stationary and portable computers. The factors that are practically not perceived by the senses of operators were investigated. It is established that modern monitors do not generate electromagnetic fields of hygienically significant levels. System units generate electric fields (18‒22 V/m) and magnetic fields (220‒245 nT) that are approaching the maximum permissible. Sources of uninterruptible power supply and fluorescent lighting systems generate excess magnetic fields (up to 2250 nT and 2300 nT), respectively. The main excessive factor for portable computers is electric fields (up to 9 kV/m), which is the cause of air deionization in the user's zone of stay. It is shown that one system unit in the normative volume of the room (20 m3) deionizes air (into 100 cm-3 positive and 200 cm-3 negative). The generation of ions by modernized laser printers and photocopiers of various models (up to 1500 cm-3 and 2800 cm-3, respectively) was investigated. The distances at which the ionic composition of the air corresponds to the background values (1.0‒1.5 m) were determined. That requires the introduction of artificial air ionization in workplaces of users and a decrease in the levels of electrostatic fields. The spectral composition and amplitudes of magnetic fields of external power supplies of laptop computers were determined. It is shown that the difference in sound levels measured on the scales "Lin" and "A" reaches 24 dB, which indicates a significant impact of infrasound on users. Membrane-type protective panels configured for maximum resonant frequencies of low-frequency sound and infrasound have been proposed


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