Published July 18, 2022 | Version v1
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  • 1. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Center for Technological Development in Health (CDTS)/ National Institute of Science and Technology for Innovation in Neglected Populations Diseases (INCT-IDPN)


  • 1. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Center for Technological Development in Health (CDTS)/ National Institute of Science and Technology for Innovation in Neglected Populations Diseases (INCT-IDPN)


Supplementary Figure 1- List of Vibrio cholerae [toxin A (P01555), B (P01556), and P (P29485)] synthetic peptides and position in the cellulose membrane of Spot synthesis.


Supplementary Table of the manuscript "Fine epitope mapping of the Vibrio cholera toxins A, B, and P and an ELISA assay " by: De-Simone, S.G; Napole-ão-Pêgo, P.; Gonçalves, P.S; Lechuga, G.C.; Cardoso, S.V.; Provance, D.W; Morel, C.M.; Silva, F.R.. Title. Fine epitope mapping of the Vibrio cholerae toxins A, B and P and an ELISA assay. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, x. Academic Edit Salvatore G. De-Simone 1,2,4,*, Paloma Napoleão-Pêgo 1,2, Priscilla S. Gonçalves 1,2,4, Guilherme C. Lechuga 1,2, Sergian V. Cardoso 3, David W. Provace 1,2 , Carlos M. Morel1 and Flavio R da Silva 1,2


Supplentary Table S1-List of peptides.pdf

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