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Published July 16, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Göçmen Girişimcilik Teorilerinin Mülteci Girişimcilik Bağlamında İncelenmesi


Refugee entrepreneurship has become a phenomenon of global interest. This article contributes to the explanation of refugee entrepreneurship by making use of migrant entrepreneurship theories in the literature to identify the theories, methods and contexts commonly used in refugee entrepreneurship. This article highlights the need for interdisciplinary approaches that cross borders. It aims to develop different theoretical frameworks for refugee entrepreneurship and to provide a resource for future research.

Factors influencing the establishment of a refugee enterprise are multifaceted. These factors can be diverse such as education, generation, local population, economic situation, job opportunities, location, cultural- religious differences and origin The main aim of the study is to develop a framework for understanding the dimensions of refugee entrepreneurship. The study begins with a conceptual assessment of entrepreneurship. Then, the definition and development of refugee entrepreneurship is examined. Finally, different theories that can be used to frame refugee entrepreneurship are discussed.


Behiye Körpe Abdullatif & Muzaffer Koç Göçmen Girişimcilik Teorilerinin Mülteci Girişimcilik Bağlamında İncelenmesi.pdf