Published March 30, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Adventurous collaborations: EdTech models from experimentation to application Supporting the EdTech innovation process in higher education

  • 1. Versnellingsplan


How do institutions experience the use of EdTech solutions in education? How do they assess new technologies? Do they face any obstacles? The EdTech working group has collected answers to these and other questions in a report. It’s the first publication of the project Supporting the EdTech Innovation Process in Higher Education.

With this project, the working group hopes to help higher education institutions set up experiments and stimulate them to work with everything that has to do with EdTech. The innovation models in the institutions vary from a focus on experimentation and innovation to the implementation and scaling up of the technology. The insights from interviews with various institutions, educational consultants, and members of the EdTech community have been compiled in this report. The working group intends to spark new discussions between universities and EdTech companies with closer collaboration. 


This report is the first publication in the project 'Supporting the EdTech innovation process in higher education' initiated by the Werkgroep EdTech voor onderwijsinnovatie of the Versnellingsplan, that wants to capture and improve the way Dutch universities cooperate with EdTech companies.



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