Published June 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Building a mathematical model of the destruction of a connecting rod-piston group in the car engine at hydraulic lock

  • 1. Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University


This paper investigates the process of destruction of parts of the connecting rod-piston group of the engine due to hydraulic lock after the ingress of liquid into the cylinders of the engine. Comparing expert data on actual engine destruction due to hydrolock with existing estimation models has made it possible to identify a number of significant contradictions affecting the objectivity and accuracy of the destruction assessment.

To resolve the existing contradictions, a mathematical model for reconstructing the destruction of the connecting rod-piston group of the engine during a hydraulic lock has been improved. Unlike the existing ones, the model makes it possible to take into consideration not only the static deformation of the connecting rod but also to give a comprehensive assessment of the deformations of the connecting rod, piston pin, and piston at different volumes of hydrolock fluid.

Underlying the model is the hypothesis assuming that the deformation of the piston pin under excessive load caused by hydraulic lock leads to the emergence of tension and an increase in the friction in the mated pin-piston. The calculation from the condition of differential change in the amount of friction in the mated pin-piston produced a satisfactory result that does not contradict the practical data and has confirmed the working hypothesis.

By calculation, the onset of the destruction of engine parts during hydrolock at a pressure in the cylinder close to 17.3 MPa, at a crankshaft angle of about 346°, was revealed. In addition, it was found that in the case of violating the operating conditions, due to friction, the mated pin-piston is exposed to the lateral force on the skirt that reaches 17.2 MPa, which exceeds the permissible one, calculated according to known procedures, by 2.8 times.

The results reported here are confirmed by known practical data, which makes the devised model applicable to the practice of expert studies into the causes of engine malfunctions when violating the operating conditions of a car


Building a mathematical model of the destruction of a connecting rod-piston group in the car engine at hydraulic lock.pdf

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