Research in components of essential oils from flowers and leaves of the genus Alchemilla L. species
- 1. Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
- 2. National University of Pharmacy
The genus Alchemilla L. has about 1000 species in the world flora, of which 35 grow in Ukraine. The most common in Ukraine are A. flabellata Bus., A. phegophila Juz. and A. subrenata Bus. Despite the widespread distribution of species of the genus Alchemilla L. and the publication of a monograph on the herb of the collective species - Herba Alchemillae (Alchemiilla vulgaris L. sensu latiore) in the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, the chemical composition, and pharmacological properties of species of the genus Alchemilla L. are insufficiently studied, therefore, it is advisable to study the chemical composition of the most common species of flora of Ukraine for their introduction into medical and pharmaceutical practice.
The aim of the work was to study the component composition and quantitative content of essential oils of flowers and leaves of some species of the genus Alchemilla L.
Materials and methods. Flowers and leaves of Alchemilla. flabellata Bus., Alchemilla phegophila Juz. and Alchemilla subrenata Bus. harvested in the Ivano-Frankivsk region in 2020 - 2021.
The component composition and quantitative content of essential oils were determined by chromato-mass spectrometric method. The compounds were identified by comparing the obtained mass spectra of the chromatographic peak with the mass spectra of the reference compounds and based on comparison with the spectra of the database. Quantitative determination of the content of substances in the raw material was performed in comparison with a standard sample of menthol.
Results. The essential oil of flowers and leaves of Alchemilla. flabellata Bus., Alchemilla phegophila Juz. and Alchemilla subrenata Bus were obtained. It was found that the highest content of essential oils was characterized by Alchemilla. flabellata Bus. flowers (16884.6 mg / kg), and the least essential oil was contained in the leaves of Alchemilla Phegophila Juz. (4895.5 mg / kg). As a result of studying the component composition of essential oils of flowers and leaves of Alchemilla flabellata Bus., Alchemilla Phegophila Juz. and Alchemilla subrenata Bus. 48, 51 and 47 compounds were identified, of which 44, 48 and 43 were identified, respectively. 31 components of essential oil were common in the studied samples of raw materials.
Conclusions. Due to the component composition of the essential oil of flowers and leaves of Alchemilla. flabellata Bus., Alchemilla phegophila Juz. and Alchemilla subrenata Bus., as well as considering the known pharmacological activity of its components, it is advisable to conduct further pharmacological studies of raw materials of the genus Alchemilla L. to study their antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties
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