Published July 6, 2022 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Engaging with researchers about Open Science at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL (France): the Open Science Bingo

  • 1. Université Paris Dauphine-PSL


Since Open Science has developed to affect every step of the research process, librarians strive to give researchers information on the possibilities it offers to improve research methods, accelerate scientific communication and eventually advance science. Still, barriers to the uptake of Open Science remain, among which prejudices.

In Paris Dauphine-PSL university an Open Science Reflection Group has been set up, bringing together researchers of various disciplines and librarians to draft a roadmap to foster a better openness of scientific practices. To raise awareness about these issues in the research community and ensure support for this roadmap, the library has tried different formulas, from serious
formats like talks to lighter ones like serious games, with mixed results.

Starting from the idea that face-to-face discussions are the most effective way to proceed, this communication presents an original tool to engage with researchers on this matter: an Open Science Bingo. Based on a crossing of Advent calendars and bingo gameplays, the Open Science Bingo adresses prejudices about open access to publications and research data
and provides an ice-breaker for discussion.

Shared on Zenodo, this tool is technically easy to reproduce, its contents are adaptable to fit in local situations. It allows exchanges between librarians and research communities, including PhD students, who can express fears and hesitations about Open Science issues, and starting from negative notions, helps create a more positive discourse

Launched in Paris Dauphine-PSL, this Bingo has been translated and adapted by the YERUN (Young European Research Universities Network) Ad hoc Working Group on Open Science to put online an Advent Calendar on Open Science in December 2021. Its contents are also being used in the preparation of a brochure against prejudices in Open Science to be published by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.


01.2 - Session1_ChristineOkretManville_LIBER2022.pdf

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