There is a newer version of the record available.

Published June 30, 2022 | Version v1.4
Project deliverable Open

Engagement Workshops (EWs) contributions to the SPIs for OOSC

  • 1. ACCC
  • 1. Science for Change
  • 2. Formicablu
  • 3. StickyDot
  • 4. UTwente
  • 5. FC.ID


This deliverable has the objective to draft a working list of Standards, Principles and Indicators (SPIs) for an Outstanding Open Science Communication (OOSC) integrating the results and feedback coming from the four ENJOI Engagement Workshops (EWs). This working list of SPIs goes to substitute the previous one released with the Inception report described in D2.1 since it includes the science communication producers’ and users’ significant feedback and views. Recommendations and contributions collected during the four Ews will also subsequently be condensed in the ENJOI Manifesto for OOSC.


ENJOI WP2. Identification of Standards, Principles and Indicators (SPIs) and methodological approach for qualitative analysis of Outstanding Open Science Communication (OOSC)


D2.2 ENJOI_v1.4.pdf

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ENJOI – ENgagement and JOurnalism Innovation for Outstanding Open Science Communication 101006407
European Commission