Training as grounds for collaboration across disciplinary boundaries
- 1. Social Science Data Archives, University of Ljubljana (ADP)
- 2. Data Archiving and Network Service (DANS)
- 3. JISC, EOSC Future
- 4. Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL)
Training is one of the main pillars of the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA). CESSDA’s service providers offer training for various stakeholders (data users, data producers, repositories, data stewards). However, in the evolving landscape of data services and infrastructures, cooperation with and engagement in different training communities is crucial in order to offer different approaches, cover user needs, provide quality FAIR training materials as well as in-person training. This panel will present social science training communities and other initiatives, emphasizing the role of training in community building projects that provide general as well as disciplinary/ topic-specific infrastructures and services. After presentations, panelists will discuss the intersection of the developments and challenges they meet. SSH Training Community and Platform for Training Materials (Leenarts, Braukmann) A platform for training materials for SSH community was built in SSHOC project. Its use among trainers, sustainability and role in the further development of the EOSC will be discussed. Community of Practice in Open Science Training (Kuchma, Clare) An interdisciplinary community, with over 100 members from 20 countries, sharing experiences and practice in training as well as working on joint projects, such as FAIRification of training materials. Community of Practice in Governance and Management of RIs (Dolinar, Vipavc) Community gathers current and future managers to discuss relevant issues and shares experiences about management and operational challenges of RIs and CFs. Data Community for Cohort Survey (Bezjak, Vipavc) Training for the data community of the COORDINATE project will support community-building and facilitate improved access to longitudinal survey data on child wellbeing. EOSC Knowledge Hub (Venkataraman) EOSC Future project was established to consolidate the previous work that has built much of EOSC’s infrastructure. A training task will provide training, but also a technical platform for all EOSC related training elements (access to materials and trainers)."
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- Is derived from
- 10.5281/zenodo.6615495 (DOI)
- 10.5281/zenodo.6615503 (DOI)
- 10.5281/zenodo.6615507 (DOI)
- 10.5281/zenodo.6615476 (DOI)