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Published October 10, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Department of Human Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences University of port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria
  • 2. Department of Human Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences University of port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria.


This study determined the blood pressures (mmHg), weight (kg), height (m), and the body mass index (kg/m²) using the square of the height to divide the bodyweight of the apparently healthy pregnant women between the ages of eighteen to fifty years in some gas flaring communities in Bayelsa state Nigeria. Two hundred apparently healthy pregnant women and one hundred non-pregnant women were randomly selected as participants for this study using weight height, palpatory and auscultatory methods. The results from this study indicate a significant increase (0.00) in the weight and body mass index among the non-pregnant (66.95kg, 25.9kg/m²) and pregnant (67.25kg, 26.28kg/m²) group. A statistically significant (0.00) increase in the body mass index and weight of the pregnant group according to their trimesters of pregnancy was a clear indication of maternal blood volume and tissue growth during pregnancy. There was a decrease in the mean values of the non-pregnant and pregnant group weight and body mass index with regards to their duration of exposure to gas flares in Bayelsa state. The results also indicate that the height of the pregnant exposed to gas flares over a long period of time decreases compared with those pregnant with a short duration of exposure. The result from this study has shown that gas flares affect the height, weight, and body mass index of both nonpregnant and pregnant women in Bayelsa state.


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