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Published June 28, 2022 | Version v1.0.0
Dataset Open

Global reconstruction of flood and heavy precipitation probabilities, 1836-2015

  • 1. INRAE


As part of the HEGS project, an attempt was made at reconstructing flood and heavy precipitation probabilities for thousands of stations worldwide and for the period 1836-2015. This repository contains the precipitation/streamflow data underlying this reconstruction, and the reconstruction itself.


Seasonal maxima of daily precipitation or streamflow. One file for each season, with the following columns:

  1. "var": variable 'Rx1day' (heavy precipitation) or 'Qx'  (flood).
  2. "year": year. For the DJF season, year e.g. 1998 spans from December 1998 to February 1999.
  3. "siteID": ID of the site, as used in the original HadEX2/HadEX3 and GSIM datasets.
  4. "lon": longitude.
  5. "lat": latitude.
  6. "value": seasonal maximum value, in mm (precipitation) or m3.s-1 (streamflow).
  7. "returnPeriod": return period T associated with the value above.
  8. "nonExceedanceProb": non-exceedance probability associated with the return period (p=1-1/T).


Probability of exceeding a T-year event, estimated at all stations and for the period 1836-2015. One file for each season, with the following columns:

  1. "var": variable 'Rx1day' (heavy precipitation) or 'Qx'  (flood).
  2. "year": year. For the DJF season, year e.g. 1998 spans from December 1998 to February 1999.
  3. "siteID": ID of the site, as used in the original HadEX2/HadEX3 and GSIM datasets.
  4. "lon": longitude.
  5. "lat": latitude.
  6. "eventLabel": definition of the event whose probability of exceedance is sought.
  7. "prob": Estimated probability of exceeding the event defined above at this site during this season.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 835496


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European Commission
HEGS – Hydrologic Extremes at the Global Scale: teleconnections, extreme-rich/poor periods, climate drivers and predictability 835496