Published June 28, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Brazil-Offshore Wind Model

  • 1. Aeronautics Institute of Technology
  • 1. Aeronautics Institute of Technology
  • 2. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • 3. Delft University of Technology


Installation and running the model

It is necessary to install Calliope to run the model. Instructions for installation and running the model are available at:

Temporal resolution

The temporal resolution of the model is 6 hours by default. You can set the model with another resolution in the "overrides" file: 


        model.time: {function: resample, function_options: {'resolution': '6H'}}

Note that running the model might be computationally expensive. The full model contains one year of data. To test the model, specify a shorter time subset in the "overrides" file > weather years. For instance, over ten days of data:

        model.subset_time: ['2010-01-01', '2010-01-10']



The scenario names are structured as follows:  bias correction factor case + scenario name+ weather year.




Bias correction factor case:

Low: represents the 25th percentile of bias correction factor at farm level aggregated by state;

Median: represents the 50th percentile of bias correction factor at farm level aggregated by state;

Up: represents the 75th percentile of bias correction factor at farm level aggregated by state;


Scenario name

baseline: status quo;

offshore wind farm capex reduction: capex is reduced by 10%, 30%, 50%, and 70%;

natural gas prices: in gas low, the gas price is US$ 24.87, while in gas high, US$ 62.05;

offshore wind farm capex reduction + natural gas price: capex reduction (10%,30%,50%, and 70%) combined with the high price of natural gas.


Weather year

Weather years include data from 2000 to 2019.


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