Published December 1, 2012 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Intrinsic reward system & motivation: A study of management teachers perspective

  • 1. Siddhant College of Engineering, Pune


The paper presents a study of the intrinsic reward system (IRS) in management institutions/business schools. For
the study, a questionnaire containing 10 variables (recognition, respect, encouragement, appreciation, participation in
decision-making, job freedom/autonomy, more responsibility & challenges, interesting work & diversity of activities,
opportunities for personal growth, and use of valued skills) was constructed. The respondents (n=430) were teachers of
different management institutions/business schools selected from Maharashtra state of India and they were asked to rate
variables included for the study on Likert five point scales. The validity of scales used in questionnaire was measured
through face & content validity method. The reliability of the scales was assessed through the adaption of the research of
Copper and Schindler. The internal consistency of reliability was measured by calculating Cronbach’s Alfa. Data was
analyzed by using One Sample T-test and Chi Square Test of Independence. The survey was conducted during November
and December 2011 by using non-probability convenience sampling technique. The study yielded rich research results.
Most notably, it depicted that teachers’ expectations are very high but actual performance of intrinsic reward system is
poor in management institutions/business schools. Results also indicated that intrinsic reward system is responsible to
motivate teachers. Furthermore, the findings of the study delineated that motivation has positive relationship with
expectations of teachers regarding intrinsic reward system. There is also a relationship found between motivation and
performance of intrinsic reward system in management institutions/business schools. The Scope of study is circumscribed
within the Maharashtra State of India.


13. Intrinsic Reward System & Motivation A Study of Management Teachers Perspective.pdf

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