RAISD D7.3 Actor–oriented and integrated evaluation
In the RAISD-project, context-sensitive Tailored Attention and Inclusion Strategies (TAIS) are developed in order to alleviate the vulnerabilities of forcibly displaced persons (FDPs) living in different environments. To determine the feasibility of TAIS and to formulate evidence-based policy recommendations, an evaluation scheme is needed. Thus, the aim of this deliverable is two-fold.
First, a conceptual framework of evaluation is set. In RAISD, a realistic tradition of evaluation science will be endorsed. This means respecting the variety of stakeholder and end-user perspectives while acknowledging the different settings in which TAIS will be implemented – studying ‘what works for whom in which contexts’.
Second, concrete evaluation criteria will be determined. In line with the RAISD framework, the deliverable will start from actor-oriented criteria of various stakeholders in different contexts.
Finally, based on these criteria, an integrated evaluation criteria and strategy will be defined. The deliverable will benefit from the works of work packages four and five. WP4 provides information on various vulnerability contexts and their specific features and needs of FDPs. WP5 provides information on partners’ actor-oriented evaluation criteria and TAIS to be piloted. This report is a preliminary version of the deliverable 7.4 constituting the final version of the RAISD evaluation criteria and results.
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