Published April 20, 2022 | Version v1
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Figure 1 in Reinstatement of Ehlersileanira simplex (Ehlers, 1887) comb. nov. reinst., distinct from E. incisa (Grube, 1877) (Annelida: Sigalionidae), with a key to all the species of Ehlersileanira


Figure 1. Ehlersileanira incisa, non-type specimen (UMML 6504–259): (a) anterior first segments, dorsal view; (b) prostomium, dorsal view; (c) median antenna, close-up; (d) drawing of prostomium, dorsal view; (e) anterior first segments, ventral view; (f) facial tubercle, close-up; (g) drawing of prostomium, ventral view. Ehlersileanira simplex, non-type specimen (UMML 22.1090): (h) anterior first segments, dorsal view; (i) prostomium, dorsal view of prostomium; (j) median antenna, close-up; (k) drawing of prostomium, dorsal view; (l) anterior first segment, ventral view; (m) facial tubercle, close-up; (n) drawing of prostomium, ventral view. Scale bars: a, h = 5 mm; b, e, d, g, i, l, k and n = 2 mm; c, f, j and m = 0.5 mm. Abbreviations: au: auricles; buc: buccal cirrus; ce: ceratophore; ds: distal style; dtc: dorsal tentacular cirrus; ft: facial tubercle; ipas: inner palpal sheath; lan: lateral antenna; man: median antenna; nuo: nuchal organ; opas: outer palpal sheath; pa: palp; vtc: ventral tentacular cirrus.


Published as part of Cruz-Gómez, Christopher, 2022, Reinstatement of Ehlersileanira simplex (Ehlers, 1887) comb. nov. reinst., distinct from E. incisa (Grube, 1877) (Annelida: Sigalionidae), with a key to all the species of Ehlersileanira, pp. 157-172 in Journal of Natural History 56 (1-4) on page 161, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2022.2033867,



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