Published June 15, 2022 | Version v1.0
Presentation Open

V Sloveniji potrebujemo register predbolnišničnih srčnih dogodkov

  • 1. Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor
  • 2. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana
  • 3. Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor
  • 4. Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana
  • 5. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor
  • 6. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana
  • 7. Emergency Medical Dispatch Center Maribor, Emergency Medical Dispatch Service, University Medical Center Ljubljana
  • 8. Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor; Prehospital unit, Emergency medical services, Community healthcare center Maribor; Emergency care department, University Medical Center Maribor


Presentation file from Society of Emergency Medicine Slovenia Congress in Portorož 2022. 

Link to the book of abstracts.

Abstract [EN]

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is one of the leading causes of death in the developed world. In recent decades, many countries have introduced registers of prehospital cardiac arrests to optimize emergency medical services and improve the clinical outcomes and survival of patients affected by the condition. We reviewed the literature on the improvement of clinical outcomes after countries implemented OHCA registries. We find that evidence-based reorganization of emergency medical services can significantly improve several factors that influence patient survival. In Slovenia, we currently do not have data on the impact of OHCA on patients and society, so it is necessary to implement an OHCA registry.

Abstract [SI]:

Pred-bolnišnični srčni zastoj je v razvitem svetu eden izmed vodilnih vzrokov smrti. V zadnjih desetletjih številne države uvajajo registre predbolnišničnih srčnih zastojev s katerimi želijo optimizirati nujno medicinsko pomoč in izboljšati klinične rezultate ter preživetje bolnikov, ki jih stanje prizadene. Naredili smo pregled literature o izboljšanju kliničnih izidov po srčnih zastojih v državah, ki so uvedle register, in ugotovili, da je z načrtovano reorganizacijo službe nujne medicinske pomoči, ki temelji na dokazih, mogoče pomembno izboljšati številne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na preživetje bolnikov. Trenutno v Sloveniji nimamo podatkov o vplivu srčnih zastojev na bolnike in družbo, zato je potrebno uvesti register predbolnišničnih srčnih zastojev. 


Presentation given by Urša Keše on 16th of July 2022 in Portorož.



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