Published February 1, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The effectiveness of IDEA learning model in mathematics concept understanding

  • 1. Universitas Islam Malang


This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of the issue, discussion,
establishment, and application (IDEA) learning model in embedding
mathematical concepts understanding. It is a quantitative study with a quasiexperimental

approach. This research was conducted at Malang Islamic
University with students majoring Mathematics education study program
and in their first academic year as the subjects. Subjects were divided into
two group, experimental and control and measured their result using posttest
only control group design. There are six instruments consisting six items
used to measure mathematical concepts understanding. The results
confirmed that H0 is rejected, while Ha is accepted proved by t count
(3.132)>ttable (1.674). It means there is a significant difference between the
of both groups (experimental and control). In addition, the results indicated
that the IDEA learning models is effective to assist students in understanding
mathematical concepts showed by the higher score of experimental groups
than control group. Three factors are involved in order to implement the
IDEA learning model effectively; namely: individual problem-solving
opportunities, active student involvement, and guidance and assistance (from
lecturer) on the IDEA learning model. This research is only limited to
preservice teacher, further research is required in order to implement this
model for mathematics learning at junior and senior high schools’ level. 


5. 20317-53438-1-ED. by Roni Okta ED By Yayan Eryk Setiawan.pdf

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