Published December 1, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Administrative Problems on ‎Asphalt Road Pavement ‎‎Maintenance and ‎Rehabilitation: A Case Study in ‎Kabul ‎City Road Authority ‎


Pavement Management System (PMS) is a tool for data collection, analysis, ‎maintaining, and making reports, to help decision-makers and to find out ‎best strategies for pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation (M-R) due to ‎pavement serviceability status and lowest cost. The main aim of this study ‎is to evaluate and identify the current administrative problems of M-R in ‎Kabul City Road Authority (KCRA). KCRA lacks appropriate pavement ‎maintenance strategies which have resulted in the loss of a huge value of ‎the investment in previous years. After a detail review of scientific papers ‎and international experience in managing asphalt M-R, based on pavement ‎evaluation, maintenance, and PMS questionnaire was developed and an ‎interview was conducted. Through interview and questionnaire survey of ‎professionals; the present M-R practice of KCRA is evaluated. Responses are ‎graded by the average index method. In conclusion, the finding of this ‎study implies that KCRA didn’t conduct adequate pavement condition ‎evaluation that can be sound input for recommending maintenance ‎options, and the maintenance work is limited to overlay and pouching and ‎performing maintenance without adequately defining the road cause of ‎distress. Moreover, this study identifies the greatest challenges for road M-‎R in KCRA which is the absence of well-established PMS, lack of skilled ‎manpower, lack of supervision and quality control, lack of budget, lack of ‎proper machinery and equipment, and political influence respectively. The ‎study recommended that KCRA must evaluate and apply alternative ‎pavement assessment and maintenance techniques. Moreover, KCRA has ‎to establish PMS to manage maintenance activities for better and ‎optimum utilization of the resource. Further research is also suggested ‎which includes the development of PMS and pavement treatment ‎selection alternatives for KCRA.‎


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