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Published June 1, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Applications of Remanufacturing With Economic & Product Design Consideration


  • 1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, BBDNITM, Lucknow, India


This paper is inspired from the recent offers which provided by the organizations and manufacturing companies “to bring old product and get discount to new product” what happens to that product is that answer of this paper. It’s also tells us that how it is the goodwill for the organization. However, the management of production planning and control activities can differ greatly from management activities in traditional manufacturing. We report on managerial remanufacturing practices via a survey of production planning and control activities at remanufacturing firms in the country Production planning and control activities are more complex for remanufacturing firms due to uncertainties from stochastic product returns, imbalances in return and demand rates, and the unknown condition of returned products


Applications of Remanufacturing With Economic & Product Design Consideration.pdf

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