Published June 12, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Genetic monitoring on the world's first MSC eco-labeled common octopus (O. vulgaris) fishery in western Asturias, Spain

  • 1. Department of Functional Biology, Genetics, University of Oviedo
  • 2. Sequencing Unit, Biotechnical and Biomedical Testing, Scientific‐Technical Services, University of Oviedo
  • 3. CEP Fisheries Experimentation Centre, Directorate General of Maritime Fisheries (DGPM), Regional Ministry of Rural Development and Natural Resources from the Principality of Asturias
  • 4. Animal Health Area, SERIDA
  • 5. Department of Education Sciences, University of Oviedo


Allele frequencies file containing:

  • 15 populations
  • 13 microsatellite markers


  • 21PS: Pasaia (Basque country, Spain). Fishery season (FS): 2020-21
  • 18RB: Ribadesella (Asturias, Spain). FS: 2017-18
  • 21RB: Ribadesella (Asturias, Spain). FS: 2020-21
  • 18CU: Cudillero (Asturias, Spain). FS: 2017-18
  • 21CU: Cudillero (Asturias, Spain). FS: 2020-21
  • 07PV: Puerto de Vega (Asturias, Spain). FS: 2006-07
  • 18PV: Puerto de Vega (Asturias, Spain). FS: 2017-18
  • 21PV: Puerto de Vega (Asturias, Spain). FS: 2020-21
  • 18TP: Tapia de Casariego (Asturias, Spain). FS: 2017-18
  • 21TP: Tapia de Casariego (Asturias, Spain). FS: 2020-21
  • 21BU: Bueu (Galicia, Spain). FS: 2020-21
  • 07OL: Olhão (Algarve, Portugal). FS: 2006-07
  • 21OL: Olhão (Algarve, Portugal). FS: 2020-21
  • 21SA: San Andrés (Canary Islands, Spain). FS: 2020-21
  • 21BC: Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain). FS: 2020-21

Microsatellite markers (GenBank accession number):

OCT08 (AF197132); VULG15 (LC003035); VULG14 (LC003034); VULG07 (LC003028); OVUL10 (JN579699); VULG12 (LC003032); VULG13 (LC003033); VULG06 (LC003027); OVUL09 (JN579698); VULG04 (LC003026); OVUL08 (JN579697); OV10 (AF197134); VULG10 (LC003030).


This research was funded by the project ECOSIFOOD (MCI-20-PID2019-108481RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and GRUPIN-AYUD/2021/50967. Romero-Bascones, A. was funded by the FPU program of the Spain Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MU-21-FPU20/06628). This work was partially developed in a Master Thesis presented by Pirhadi, N. in the IMBRSea Master Program ( with the support of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. This is a contribution of the Marine Observatory of Asturias (OMA) and the Biotechnology Institute of Asturias (IUBA).


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