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Published April 29, 2022 | Version 1.3
Dataset Open

A meteorology and snow dataset from adjacent forested and meadow sites at Crested Butte, CO, USA

  • 1. University of Colorado Boulder
  • 2. Oregon State University


This dataset contains meteorology and snow observation data collected at sites in the southwestern Colorado Rocky Mountains during water years 2019-2021. Data collection had an emphasis on paired open-forest sites and included three forested elevations. In total, we present 270 snow pit observations, 4,019 snow depth measurements, and three years of meteorological forcing from two weather stations (one in a meadow, the other in an adjacent forest). The dataset is described in a forthcoming publication of the same name: A meteorology and snow dataset from adjacent forested and meadow sites at Crested Butte, CO, USA (Bonner et al., 2022).

All snow observation and meteorological forcing data are available as both .nc and .mat files.
Additionally, original digitized copies of snow pit observations are provided as .gsheet/.xlxs files.

This dataset will continue to be updated, via this repository, as additional years of data are collected.


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Improved process understanding of snow density and SWE across forested mountain landscapes from coordinated field observations and model analyses 1761441
U.S. National Science Foundation