Ochotona koslowi
Kozlov’s Pika
Ochotona koslowi
French: Pika de Kozlov / German: Koslow-Pfeifhase / Spanish: Pica de Kozlov
Other common names: Koslov's Pika
Taxonomy. Lagomys koslowi Buiichner, 1894,
“B CeBepHoM Tubere, Ha nepesasie U3 ‘JloMHEBI BerpoB’ depe3 okpaiinuii k Oaccenny Tapuma xpeder” (= in Northern Tibet, at the pass from “the Valley of Winds” through the last mountain range before Tarim River basin), Ruoqiang County, Bayingol, Xinjiang, China.
According to mtDNA, O. koslowi belongs to subgenus Conothoa. Although O. koslowis a most distinct pika in morphology, some specimens of O. ladacensis and O. curzoniae are mislabeled as O. koslow: in collections. Thus, publications purported to be on the biology of O. koslowi should be evaluated critically. Study of mtDNA found little intraspecific variation. Monotypic.
Distribution. Kunlun Mts in Xinjiang and Qinghai, W China, in the Arkatag (= Przhewalskogo) and Bokalyktag (= Marco Polo) ranges and valleys between Kunlun and Altyn Tagh Mts (= Altun Shan or Aerjin Shan), including Aqqikkol Lake depression.
Descriptive notes. Head-body 170-240 mm, ear 17-24 mm, hindfoot 28-42 mm; weight 100-300 g. Kozlov’s Pika is medium-sized. Dorsal fur is light rufous or sandy, with white hairtips. Ventral fur is yellowish white. Winter fur is longer and lighter than during other seasons. Ears are small and rounded, with faint white margins. Lips are white. Skull is medium-sized, greatly arched, and wide, of nearly cubic proportions. Incisive and palatal foramens can be confluent or separated. Auditory bullae are small. Condylobasal lengths are 40-41 mm, skull widths are 26-27 mm, and skull heights are 18-19 mm. Kozlov’s Pika differs from the Ladak Pika (O. ladacensis) and the Plateau Pika (O. curzoniae) by its white lips, nearly cubic proportions of skull, and appearance of auditory bullae.
Habitat. Alpine grasslands, mountain steppe, and smooth sandy soils in mountain valleys and intermountain depressions at elevations of 4100-4800 m. Kozlov’s Pika is a true borrowing species.
Food and Feeding. Kozlov’s Pika feeds on green plants; 15 species were found in the diet. There is no information on hay hoarding.
Breeding. Female Kozlov’s Pikas were pregnant on 17-18 June. Second breeding was reported. Each female has 4-8 embryos.
Activity patterns. Kozlov’s Pika is diurnal and not timid.
Movements, Home range and Social organization. Kozlov’s Pika moves openly among burrows.It lives in communal family groups. Densities are ¢.300-400 ind/km?. Kozlov’s Pika digs burrows, which open with 7-8 entrances. Tunnel length is ¢.2 m, and depths are 30-40 cm. Tunnels have 2-3 branches. Vocalization by Kozlov’s Pika is unknown.
Status and Conservation. Classified as Endangered on The IUCN Red List due to very little information available regarding the distribution and abundance of this species. Only a few records in three or four remote places were made since its description in 1894.
Bibliography. Biichner (1894), Cao Yifan et al. (2009), Li Weidong et al. (2006), Lin Gonghua et al. (2010), Yu Ning et al. (2000), Zheng Changlin (1986).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Ochotonidae
- Genus
- Ochotona
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Lagomorpha
- Phylum
- Chordata
- Scientific name authorship
- Buchner
- Species
- koslowi
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Ochotona koslowi (Buchner, 1894) sec. Wilson, Lacher & Mittermeier, 2016