Published June 6, 2022 | Version v1
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LPCA beach morphological evolution during October 2018 field experiment

  • 1. Université de Bordeaux


LPCA beach morphological evolution during October 2018 field experiment. (a) Time exposure (timex) image consisting of averaged pixel intensity over the record length of the stack and (b) standard deviation image showing the amount of change in pixel intensity over the record length of the stack in order to highlight preferential wave breaking. The magenta line indicates the zero-elevation contour relative to NGF-IGN69. (c) Kalman-filtered cBathy video-derived bathymetries. Elevation contours are spaced at 0.5 m intervals relative to NGF-IGN69. (d) Bathymetric change maps; difference between cBathy-derived bathymetries (panel c) and the cBathy-derived bathymetry from 8/Oct/2018 07:30:00 GMT, where red colors indicate sand accretion and blue colors sand erosion with respect to 8 October 2018 video-derived bathymetry. (e) Offshore significant wave height Hs (red line; left axis), tidal elevation (blue line; right axis), 12-h-averaged alongshore wave energy flux Plong (green line; right axis) and 12-h-averaged angle of peak wave incidence θp (purple line; right axis) time series.


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