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Published June 3, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Restricted

D8.2 Protection of Personal Data (POPD) – Requirement No. 2

  • 1. University of Helsinki, Finland


Deliverable 8.2 concerns the Protection of Personal Data (POPD). This deliverable includes the following sections:

  1. Principles Related to the Processing of Personal Data
  2. Data Protection Officers (DPO)
  3. Measures to Achieve Data Protection
  4. Data Transfers Between Countries

According to GDPR Article 37 ‘Designation of the Data Protection Officer (DPO)’, the MATS project coordinator requested each partner to appoint a DPO to safeguard personal data across all project activities. Further ethical checks regarding the protection of personal data will be conducted whenever considered necessary, especially when the case studies and other potentially relevant research activities in the project are being planned in more detail.



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MATS – Making Agricultural Trade Sustainable 101000751
European Commission