Published June 2, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

500-yr Projections of Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica, with MALI, including glacial isostatic adjustment

  • 1. Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • 2. University of Michigan
  • 3. Sandia National Laboratories


This archive contains model code, results, and analysis scripts for
reproducing the material presented in the manuscript "Stabilizing effect of
bedrock uplift on retreat of Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica, at centennial
timescales" by Cameron Book, et al.  Questions should be directed to Matt
Hoffman (

This archive contains the following directories:

|-- MALI_code
|-- PIGL_control
|-- analysis
|-- control
|-- run_setup
|-- N1
|-- N2
|-- N3
|-- N4
`-- PIGL_N3

'MALI_code' is a snapshot of the MALI repository used for these simulations,
commit 454e0fc8bf384bee1c1560d6c3eaa5fae43bfdda.
This commit is present in an older MALI repository that is no longer
maintained, at
MALI is currently maintained on Github at
Building MALI requires the Albany multiphysics library, which is available
at  The simulations presented use Albany
master from March 5, 2021.

'analysis' contains the scripts used to process the model output and produce
the figures and results presented in the manuscript.  Filepaths will have to
be adjusted to your local layout.

'run_setup' is a directory of files and scripts necessary to reproduce the
model simulations presented.  The GIA model giapy is in the file
''.  giapy can also be found on Github at

'control' is the control run with the GIA model disabled.  It corresponds to
the run labeled CTRL in the manuscript.

'PIGL_control' is the control run using the high melt forcing.  It corresponds
to the run labeled HM-CTRL in the manuscript.

The five run directories included here (N1-N4, PIGL_N3) are the standard
ensemble described in the manuscript.  (There is a separate archive for the
runs briefly mentioned that exclude the elastic response of the lithosphere.)
The individual runs have the following correspondence to the manuscript:
Within each run directory, are the following model output files: MALI global, scalar time-series Thwaites Glacier ice load on the GIA grid
output_*.nc: MALI spatial output fields, separated by century GIA output on GIA grid


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Is supplemented by
Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.6607081 (DOI)