Maps of ecosystem multifunctionality and ecological connectivity for identifying Green Infrastructure networks in the European Alps
- 1. Eurac Research
High resolution raster datasets (20 meters) containing the results of an ecological connectivity and an ecosystem multifunctionality assessment for identifying Green Infrastructure networks in 10 pilot regions of the European Alps, modelled as part of the LUIGI Interreg Alpine Space project. Pilot regions include: department of Isère (FR), departments of Savoie and Haute-Savoie (FR), Munich Metropolitan Region (DE), Central Area of Salzburg (AT), South Burgenland (AT), Goriška region (SI), South Tyrol (IT), canton of Grisons (CH), Metropolitan City of Milan (IT), and Metropolitan City of Turin (IT). For a preview of the data and the results available for each pilot region click here
Further information on the LUIGI project is available at:
The datasets include:
- a map for ecosystem service-based multifunctionality calculated out of the average of 11 standardized ecosystem service indicators: water provision, crop potential, timber production, fodder provision, pollination potential, carbon sequestration, nitrogen retention, natural hazard mitigation, runoff retention, outdoor recreation, and landscape aesthetics.
- a map of the modelled Ecological Network composed of core areas and ecological corridors. Corridors are modelled for medium-large forest mammal species and represent least-cost pathways connecting core areas. Different classes indicate areas with different levels of current ecological connectivity starting from core areas to areas in cities or anthropized land with no connectivity. Modeled corridors are presented in two classes to mirror different levels of prioritization and management actions.
- a map of the resistance of the landscape to the movement of forest mammal species. The landscape resistance raster has been developed by reclassifying and aggregating a high resolution (5m) land use and land cover map. Resistance values have been determined in relation to the naturalness of different land use and land cover classes. In this context, land use or landscape resistance is intended as the opposite of habitat suitability.