Published November 5, 2021 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Addiitional Files: The diagrams of population structure, highly divergent regions, GC content and Nanopore reads depth, SNP number and Nanopore reads depth, and analyses of co-linearity against Nipponbare reference genome in 251 accessions.


Additional Files for " A Super Pan-Genomic Landscape of Rice".

Addtional File1:  Supplementary File1.Population structure of 251 rice accessions inferred by ADMIXTURE from K=6 to K=15.

Additional File2: Supplementary File2.The diagram of co-linearity for assembled genome against Nipponbare refercne genome in 251 rice accessions.

Additional File3: Supplementary File3. Highly divergent regions based on SV.

Additional File4: Supplementary File4. The diagram of SNP number and Nanopore reads depth per 100kb windows in 251 rice accessions.

Additonal File5:Supplementary File5. The diagram of GC content and the Nanopore reads depth per 10kb windows in 251 rice accessions.



Supplementary File 1. Population structure of 251 rice accessions inferred by ADMIXTURE from K=6 to K=15.pdf